Hi everyone,
As you may remember, we are not currently set up to resell equipment, so we've begun putting together a list of suggested gear you’ll need to get the most out of your JKD training, and included links to help you find them.
Following is the updated equipment list for JKDU class.
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to get the PROPER equipment.
A lot of gear may look the same, but quality, and with that the gear's ability to protect the user and your training partners, can vary greatly.
Everything here has been time-tested in my classes and my instructors' classes, except for the gloves, which **** has been using for quite a while and they seem to work very well.
They are from a very reputable martial arts equipment company, the same company that I get my shin guards from.
I know that all of these are a bit of an investment, but it’s better to get good equipment that will help to keep everybody safe and last for years, rather than to get cheap equipment which can lead to injury and won't last nearly as long.
Proper equipment is a better investment and the gear is necessary to move forward into functional Jeet Kune Do training.
Think of it this way, if you're going to ski, snowboard, kayak, or do pretty much any activity, you're going to need the proper equipment.
Training in functional martial arts is the same. It requires proper equipment.
When everyone has the proper equipment, your training and ability to functionally APPLY what you're learning will SKYROCKET...also, it's even more fun. :-)
Again, remember that we still aren't set up to resell so you need to order these directly from the sellers.
(Links are provided with the equipment descriptions)
Let me know if you have any questions on either of these or on training equipment in general.
Look forward to seeing you all in class!
Fortunately, I found a place that is selling the headgear and face cage (both are necessary) that we used for years in all of our classes in Honolulu and Las Vegas, as well as my instructor Burton's classes in Honolulu.
The manufacturer has discontinued them, so I would suggest getting them sooner rather than later.
The headgear, even though it is a little expensive, is a very good investment…one, to protect your brain...and your facial features :-)… Also, I used the same headgear that I bought in 2000 until 2020. That headgear got ruined when I stored it out in a garage, but if that hadn’t happened, I would still be using that same headgear today.
Sparring Gloves
The sparring gloves are the ones that **** uses and seem to work very well for what we do (I plan on buying a pair for myself).
Shin Guards
The first things to get are proper sparring gloves and headgear, after that, shin guards.
These are the shin guards that I have used for over 20 years; and by that I mean I've used the same pair that I bought in 2020 and they’re still in REALLY good condition even though they’ve taken a beating through the years.
Proper shin guards are a critical piece of equipment for learning and training leg blocks against Muay Thai style leg kicks, which are much more common these days.
They are also needed to teach the lower limb "destructions" from Kali, as well as the shin kicks from Bruce Lee's JKD.
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